When you post pictures of Frato's Food on Instagram (tagging Frato's with it, using Frato's #FratosPizza Hashtag & Account @FratosPizza), you may earn FREE Food or Gift Cards direct messaged right to you! We monitor it as best we can, so make sure we are tagged properly!
On top of it, we try to always repost those pictures at some point in the future (while tagging you). That means more exposure for your Instagram social media page as we help you build a following!
So get out your cameras and join the best loyalty program possible.....FREE Food just for posting Frato's Food on Instagram!
(Frato's reserves the decision to offer free food/gift cards at our discretion. Example, Frato's may limit each user to only once a month freebies. To improve your chances, make sure Frato's is tagged in all posts!)